Conference Reports
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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 2750

The SC23 Beowulf Bash was wildly successful, or was it wild and successful? You can judge for yourself because we have video evidence.
Thank you, Kiwi, for the video.
It should be noted that even though the video shows a fun main venue, by tradition, the Beowulf Bash always has rooms and locations where attendees can engage in conversation.
All this HPC fun was made possible by the Beowulf Bash Angels and Demons team and our wonderful supporting vendors. (That is not Ted Danson on the left.) One key demon did not make it for the team picture, but he is easily identified in the video.

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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 3033

The Beowulf Bash began in the late nineties when a bunch of Beowulf cluster geeks gathered for beer and pretzels during Supercomputing. Over the years, the success of the Beowulf Bash brand continued to grow at a steady rate, and the event is now an established and recognizable part of the annual SC experience.
Which makes it the perfect time to rebrand as the Y Event.
Of course, many of you may ask: why Y? Well, it seems that other letters were taken.
And then there is the church thing?
In any case, if attending SC23, just show up Monday night November 13 after the Gala. Services through 9pm to Midnight. Location: 1160 Lincoln Street, Denver
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- Written by Number Six
- Hits: 1228
The Bash is Back! After a two year Covid respite, the Bash is back live in Dallas for 2022. And, this year we are all about FLOP (sorry Top) Gun: Maverick the hugely poplar sequel (remake?) with old timey jets, a contrived mission, death-star like trench, all sorts of contorted nosebleed high-G maneuvers, unseen bad guys, and a little ground fighting just for fun. We are all in. What's not to like!
IMPORTANT: We know Covid is not over (we are science types afterall) and want everyone to be safe. For that reason, we are inviting all attendees to take the HPC Community Covid Safety Pledge
Now the fun parts. First, you can go to the Beowulf Bash Page and check out our extra snarky invite. There will be jet fighting (simulated, sorry) and a laser tag contest where you can work on becoming the Top Gun, refreshments, a band and a place you can talk with your friends (we provide a quiet room).
The live action event begins at 9pm Monday, November 14, right after SC’s Opening Gala. We'll be flying the jets at Gilley’s Dallas – 1135 Botham Jean Blvd.
Last but not least, you can also meet the new Beowulf Foundation Mascot "Potato."
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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 1636

- Composable Computing - Will the next generation of HPC computing be built-to-order at run time? Dynamic infrastructure represents a new way provision just the right amount of bare-metal hardware for your application. This panel will discuss the concept of composable computing and how it can used in HPC.
- RISC-V For HPC Open ISA RISC-V processors are beginning to arrive in many different vertical markets. What are the latest designs and roadmaps to this the new processor for HPC?
- Benchmarking For HPC Since the beginning of HPC, benchmarks, like the Top500, have been historically important. This panel will discuss modern benchmarking strategies and resources in today's changing HPC landscape.
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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 4581
From the (maybe) better late than never department
The ever popular Beowulf Bash will be held virtually this year. Yes, we know like everything else. Please take a look at the landing page for all the details and good dose of Beowulf Bash snark.
We also realized it was time to take last years 2019 Beowulf Bash announcement off the featured articles page.