Conference Reports
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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 6404
Virtual shows are the thing!
The always popular HPC (fill in current interesting topic) On Wall Street event will be virtual this year. If in the past you missed this event due to distance or time, now is you chance to check it out. According the
Check out the Tracks and Sessions page to see the latest sessions including:
Here is the best part, it is low cost or even free (depending on what you want to view)! There is also an on-line exhibit!. As an aside, I have attended this show since it began. I always loved the small size and up close feel of the show that always created great conversations.
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- Written by Number Six
- Hits: 3700
Time once again for the best (well we think so) party at SC. This year we borrow some "stranger" notions of the 1980's. You remember the IBM PC, the Mac, the WWW, and Windows 2.0. And, if you don't we'll remind you anyway. Pro tip: There are three Hyatt hotels near the Convention center, the Beowulf Bash is at the GRAND HYATT Hotel (head up Welton Street to 17th when you leave the CC on Monday night) We are on the 38th floor, best view in Denver.
Official invitation is here Plus, you help contribute and get a snarky T-shirt at the same time, check out this page All funds go the event. Okay, show the cool graphics we prepared
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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 1553
In 2018 we asked the community to help fund the Beowulf Bash event at SC18 in Dallas. Even though the request came late in the game, our expectations were exceeded when we were able to collect $3,170 to help offset a projected shortfall! As part of our pledge we promised to provide the final accounting of our SC18 finances.
Our expenses for last year were higher than normal because in addition to the Beowulf Bash we also created a documentary video and created a Beowulf History Booth (as part of the SC 30 year history pavilion) In total our expenses were as follows:
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- Written by Number Six
- Hits: 8862
As mentioned, Cluster Monkey has been attending the HPC & Other on Wall Street meetings and exposition since they began. The event is a great way to meet vendors and learn the latest news happenings on the HPC in finance front (especially those of us on the east coast ). Like before it will take place at the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC.
The Conference Program is posted and it looks to a good day and half of leading edge HPC presentations. The show is focusing on the following themes:
- Artificial Intelligence Use Cases for HPC
- Hybrid and Cloud Computing HyperScale Use Cases
- Data Analytics Use Cases for HPC
- Containerization and Microservices in HPC
- Cyber Analytics for Hyperscale Environments
- Global Blockchain Use Cases in HPC
For those on the east coast and beyond, the event will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, September 11 and 12 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. See you there!
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- Written by Number Six
- Hits: 2163

Massive Storage Systems and Technology Conference (MSST) Announces Distinguished Keynoters and 5-Day Agenda of Notable Speakers At-scale storage in the age of AI and next gen storage to dominate 35th annual conference agenda.
Santa Clara, California, April 8, 2019 – The Massive Storage Systems and Technology Conference (MSST) today announced keynote speakers Margo Seltzer and Mark Kryder, along with a five-day agenda of invited and peer research talks and tutorials, May 20-24 in Santa Clara, California. Now on its 35th conference, MSST is the premiere large-scale storage conference that focuses on current challenges and future trends in distributed storage system technologies, drawing a diverse group of system designers and implementers, storage architects, researchers, and vendors from both industry and academia.