[Editors Note: Thanks to John for reporting in from JuliaCon 2018.]
Julia Con 2018 took place at London University College and the Microsoft Reactor space in Hoxton last week. The conference saw the release of the 1.0 version of the language.
My main impression is that Julia is being used in production for a wide range of uses. What follows is a small selection of keynotes and talks which impressed me. All of the conference talks are available in this YouTube playlist .
Using Julia in a Multiuser Production Capital Modelling Environment
The first keynote was presented by Tim Thornton of Aviva. This shows real production work at the financial company Aviva. Since they manage my pension fund I sincerely hope that Julia works well! Aviva wanted to internally develop a new risk model which had to be superfast, self-service for their business users, integrated with other systems and cloud native. They achieved this with a new system with around 4000 lines of Julia code. After a short development they were already exceeding the performance of a 200 server data centre using another proprietary code. The system is now in production, using an Excel (!) front end which is familiar to business users. The front end pulls data from a DynamoDB database and uses Spark.jl to distribute the calculations across a Soark cluster. You can watch the video of Tims presentation here.Tricks and Tips in Numerical Computing
Prof. Nick Higham of Manchester University delivered and excellent keynote on numerical computing.One quote:A trick used three times becomes a standard technique (George Polya)
Nick discussed the increasing use of low precision arithmetic, which is available on GPUs etc. Low precision gives you fast arithmetic, fast data movement, a lower memory footprint and lower power consumption. Slides are here. View here: here.
The Rise of the Research Software Engineer
Mike Croucher of the University of Leeds delivered an entertaining presentation on the new specialization of the RSE. View here.Rather than an exhaustive list of talks I attended, I present a couple which have interest to HPC types.