Conference Reports
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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 3525
We already posted about the 2014 Beowulf Bash and there is one detail that was not mentioned. This year Cluster Monkey is sponsoring a location at the Beobash where you can get a personal Voodoo Gris Gris bag. These bags are custom made to ensure all your troubles get placed in the bag -- or something like that. Of course bags are of limited size so please select your troubles wisely. Gris Gris bags are believed to protect the wearer from evil, bring luck, or an additional 2% performance increase to your applications if attached to right server. Don't forget to follow the #beowulfbash tag on twitter.
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- Written by Number Six
- Hits: 3900
For those attending SC14, there are some interesting events taking place in the Scalable Informatics Booth 3053 during the show in New Orleans. Doug Eadline will be giving a talk entitled Hadoop Version 2 is a Big Deal and Why HPC Should Pay Attention The talk times are Tuesday (17th) at 3pm, Wednesday (18th) at 11am, and Thursday (19th) at 10:30am. At each session, he will be giving away a copy of Apache Hadoop YARN: Moving beyond MapReduce and Batch Processing with Apache Hadoop 2. In addition, there will be discount codes for Hadoop books and videos available. Come and discuss this important topic with the experts.
Also, Doug will be on hand at every day at 1:30pm and 4:30pm to present Come Kick the Tires: Deskside Supercomputing: an in-depth tour of the Limulus™ personal supercomputer used in Scalable’s Concert desktop appliance. Open discussion and questions welcome, bring/suggest a benchmark!
Consult the full booth schedule for a list of all talks.
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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 3503
From the no sign of Dorothy and Toto department
There was a interesting post on Slashdot recently about a tornado simulation. Leigh Orf of Central Michigan University is a member of a research team that created a supercell thunderstorm simulation. He presented the results at the 27th Annual Severe Local Storms Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, Leigh Orf's talk was produced entirely as high definition video and put on YouTube shortly after the presentation. The presentation is yet another demonstration of the power and utter "coolness" of HPC. The talk is a bit technical, unless you are meteorologist. Check out the video and read on for more HPC background
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- Written by Number Six
- Hits: 3483
I was able to attend the fall 2014 Strata/Hadoop World this year. Held in New York City, the show was active and confirms the data science sector is alive and growing. There is a lot to mention, however, I found one aspect quite interesting. While walking the exhibit floor I passed a small 10'x10' booth that had nothing but a table. There was no fancy back drop or exciting demonstrations, just a lot of people gathering and a small conference sign that said Databricks.
I knew who it was right away – the Apache Spark crew now launching a company. I also knew one other thing – the amount of people around this bare booth meant Spark was hot and getting hotter. Often labeled as the Hadoop killer, Spark is an in-memory data analytics tool.
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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 5773
Delivering big SMP performance at a cluster price
This year at SC12 Numascale, maker of low cost plug-and-play high performance shared memory systems, was showing performance numbers and some happy clients. For those that may not know, Numascale produces the NumaConnect adapter that provides plug-and-play connection of standard servers running a single un-patched OS version. Applications have fast access to the aggregate memory of all servers in the system using a hardware controlled ccNuma environment.
NumaConnect facilitates very large shared memory systems built from commodity servers at the price level of high-end clusters. This combination invites a new level of price/capability/performance that has never before been demonstrated using pure hardware. Systems built with NumaConnect run standard operating systems and all x86 applications.