SC09 Higlights
- Details
- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 3789
The MPI Forum announced at its SC09 BOF that they are soliciting
community feedback to help guide the MPI-3 standards process. A
survey is available online at the following URL:
Password: mpi3
In this survey, the MPI Forum is asking as many people as possible for
feedback on the MPI-3 process -- what features to include, what
features to not include, etc.
We encourage you to forward this survey on to as many interested and
relevant parties as possible.
For those of you who did not make it to sc09, Jeff Squyres and Brock
Palen (that's me), did a special version of our podcast (rce- on some of the things we took away from the show.
Show notes and mp3 download
iTunes Subscribe:
RSS Feed:,com_bca-rss-syndicator/feed_id,1/
Feel free to contact me off list with show ideas!
Brock Palen