Site News
News about site issues lives here. Contests, updates, poll results, and you name it show up in this category. We'll also keep you informed about our public appearances so you can camp out the night before to be the first in line.
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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 8140
I have created a new poll (look to the right on the main page) as suggested by reader Dries Kimpe. Dries asks, I always wondered how many people are actually using parallel IO. There is much work going on in that area, and every MPI-2 implementation has to support it, but how many people are actually using it? (The same can be said for one-sided messages and lots of other MPI-2 features).
If you are not aware, the MPI-2 standard can be found on the MPI Forumsite. Most of the MPI versions are either on their way or are already MPI-2 compliant.
The Cluster Book Poll had a few surprises. The need for all types of cluster books was the leading choice. I was surprised to see so little interesting cluster application books. Speaking of books, here is book in the works that may be of interest.
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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 7960
Behold a new poll! This month we are asking about cluster books. Although there are many books available today, there still seem to be some information holes that need filling. Here is your chance to ask for what you want!
Last month's Linux Distribution poll is now closed. We had a total of 192 votes. If the results are to be trusted, they were a bit of a surprise as Debian is the clear winner. I would have thought that Rocks or RHEL (CentOS) would be more popular. Notice that Oscar or Warewulf were not included as they are not full distributions.
Finally, while we are talking about polls and links, please check out our Cluster Links page. You may find it useful. And, let us know if any links are missing (leave a comment).
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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 7660
The votes are in. The masses have spoken. Our mascots name is now Walt. We are sending cluster monkey hats and Beowulf Underground T-shirts to all those who suggested names.
Any similarity between the Walt Cluster Monkey mascot and any person associated with cluster computing is purely accidental.
This means we have a new poll! Check it out.
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- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 8302
As we slow down and slide into the holiday season, Cluster Monkey will be undergoing some periodic maintenance. The most significant of which has been the full conversion to Joomla. Joomla is a fork of the Mambo project. The short story is Cluster Monkey used Mambo, it now uses Joomla, there might be a few things that look funny for a few days, don't panic.
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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 7645
Here is a run down of the Monkey Activities taking place next Week at SC05
- Cluster Monkey will be sharing the Linux Magazine booth (1815) this year. Please stop buy say and hello. Be sure to pick up and get a complementary copy of the Linux Magazine HPC issue.
- Jeff Layton and I will be posting a daily show review blog next week. We will let you know what we see and hear as we travel the show floor.
- The first annual Monkey Mingle will be held Monday night (November 14) at the Sheraton Seattle. We will meet in the The Gallery Lounge on the main floor at 9PM after the opening Gala. The Sheraton is one block from the Convention Center. Unfortunately we do not have money in budget for free beer this year, so any vendors that want to buy us a round (or two) will get a special mention in our daily show review. (A LECCIBG may be held later in the week)
- We will be unveiling the new limited edition Cluster Monkey Hat. As an incentive, to attend the Monkey Mingle, the first 25 people who come to the Sheraton Gallery Lounge will receive a free hat. Hat prototype is pictured here. A limited amount of hats will also be available during the show.
- Don't miss the BOF Why MPI Makes you Scream! And How Can We Improve Parallel Debugging? by Distinguished Monkey Jeff Squyres on Thursday November 17th.
- There will also be an un-official Cluster Agenda BOF Thursday (November 17) morning from 8-9 AM in the in the Convention Center Starbucks (4th floor). Cluster Monkey will be buying the coffee.