Ahhh, the pre-SC (supercomputing show) pull your hair out frenzy. I'll have lots more to announce about the show in the next few days. I wanted announce this years Beowulf Bash first because it is one of the best events of the show. Click the got beer button for the witty and clever invitation (cough, cough).
This year a local HPC company who wishes to remain anonymous has donated five kegs of custom brewed beer for the event. The party begins at 9PM on Monday November 16th, 2009 (after the opening gala).
We are hodling it at the The Game, at the Rose Quarter, One Center Court (one really long block + two short blocks from the convention center, at the Rose Quarter Max Stop). Click Here to see the map. For public transportation information, visit Tri-Met's website.
This years sponsors are AMD, Econnectix, InsideHPC, Penguin, SICORP, Terascala, Xand Marketing, and of course ClusterMonkey. See you there.