Ready or not, here we come
Throw some socks and underwear in a bag and head to Austin next week because the FLOPS are calling. That is right, SC08 is almost here (November 15-21).
As usually Jeff and I will be bringing you show coverage, but I wanted to get one event on your calender. This year marks the ninth annual Beowulf Bash or Beobash as we call it. In many respects, the Beobash is like a yearly reunion of many of those who shaped today's HPC market.
This years party also represents the folding of another cluster event into the Beobash. If the Beobash is the family reunion, the LECCIBG are the naughty boys (and girls) playing cards, drinking, and smoking out behind the reception hall. The idea started out innocently enough, but the event grew bigger than anyone ever imagined (or would admit under oath). The whole sorted history of the LECCIBG can be found elsewhere.
This years sponsors are AMD, Cluster Monkey, NVidia, Panasas, Penguin/Sclyd Computing, Terascala, and XAND Marketing. Thanks for supporting the community.
See You There!