The geographically challenged San Francisco Bay Area Beowulf Users Group (BayBUG) would like
to invite everyone to attend an exclusive SC06 panel discussion before the BeoBash (Tuesday November 14th) entitled The Commercialization of Open Source - for better or
worse? Panelists:
Donald Becker, CTO of Penguin Computing, Beowulf cluster co-inventor
Thomas Sterling, Faculty Associate, Center for Advanced Computing
Research, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Beowulf cluster
Mike Fitzmaurice, HPC Technologist at GTSI Corp.
The panel will run from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m and be held at the Rock-N-Sports Bar and Grille. The BeoBash starts afterward at 6:00PM,
so come early and listen to these guys. Someone said they know
something about Beowulf clusters and open software. We'll see.
Oh, and by the way, they found some
Monkey to moderate. Don't forget the LECCIBG Monday night. Because Tuesday morning you will want to.
For directions to the
Rock-N-Sports Bar and Grille see the BeoBash notice.