We list all the books on clusters we could find. We even read most of these books. Where we felt qualified, we provide a short review.
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- Written by Douglas Eadline
- Hits: 5311
GPU computing gets real work done -- faster
I have been reading an interesting book about GPU computing called GPU Computing Gems: Emerald Edition, Wen-Mei W. Hwu, editor-in-chief, Morgan Kaufmann (ISBN: 9780123849885). The book provides a large breadth of GPU HPC topics across many different disciplines. In addition, this is not a "how to" book although some of the software discussed in the book is available on-line and it deals exclusively with what are considered HPC applications. The book provides well documented examples of GPU computing in a large spectrum of application areas by prominent researches. There is definitely an academic rigor applied to the content as evidenced by long list of editors, reviewers, and large index.