Ask The Monkey's

Have a question about clusters? Ask the Cluster Monkey's! Send questions to the Head Monkey.
We recently received an email from Joe Springer asking a common question about clusters:

Question: I want to run an application whose memory and disk requirements are larger than any one node. Could using a cluster allow me to run an application such that "memory" and disk needs are fulfilled by being distributed...?

The short answer is: It depends for memory, yes for storage, but there is more to it than that ...

As the Head Monkey around here, I often get questions sent to me about clusters. I thought it might make sense to share some of the questions (and answers). Please feel free to comment and offer your insights as well. Here is today's question.

Question: I am having trouble finding current information on hyper-threading and clusters, or even hyper-threading and heavy loads that is not at least 2 years out of date. I am about to overhaul our engineering cluster and would really like to find some information on the current state of things before I enable the HT ability on the cluster. Read on for my answer.

By the way, I'm open to other questions as well. Head on over to my contact page and drop me line. I'll also try an reach out to some of the more seasoned cluster jocks for answers as well. And finally, you can always post and search the adept Beowulf Mailing List. Oh, and try and keep the questions about HPC clusters.


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