From the "I'm not dead" Python department
For those of you that don't know the Beowulf mailing list is a highly useful resource to the HPC community. Started by Don Becker and now run by Penguin Computing the list has been a discussion place for pioneers, innovators, and users of HPC clusters. Recently the list went down along with the site. Questions about the list future surfaced. Through some recent discussions with Penguin, I am pleased to announce that the list will be back up real soon. Penguin is aware of the problem and expects the list to be back up by August 10th. They ask for the communities patience in this matter. I have also offered community help to assist with future list moderation. I will post any new information as it develops.
Update: (August 9th, 2012) The list is back up. Penguin and some community members are working on the moderation issue. Thanks Penguin.
Final Update: (August 20, 2012) The list is functioning, there are several moderators from the community, and new users are able to post. Good job Penguin.