If you are into clusters, then you don't want to miss this years Clusters: The HPC Revolution 2006 Conference run by the Linux Clusters Institute. The event is schedules for May 2-4, 2006 and will be held at the University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma. Keynotes include, Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee), Fred Johnson, (DOE, Office of Science), and Klaus Schulten (BioMol,NAMD, UIUC). More details are below.

Clusters: The HPC Revolution 2006 Conference, organized by the Linux Clusters Institute (LCI), is the premier international forum for sharing information on management, administration, and scientific computing techniques on clustered systems for high-performance computing. The four-day event features the conference and a full day of tutorials at the University of Oklahoma in Norman.

For four days, users, researchers, vendors, executives, and developers of clusters will gather in Norman to learn about the latest hardware and software developments and current research, while also helping others by sharing knowledge and experiences. The conference is designed to help strengthen the high-performance cluster community.

Clusters: The HPC Revolution 2006 will feature a broad range of presentations and papers from HPC and large-scale cluster computing professionals in industry, academia, and government. Speakers will address efforts to integrate and develop science and engineering applications for large-scale clusters, to achieve maximum performance and scalability. A full day of tutorials will be offered as part of the overall program.

The technical program will include both peer-reviewed paper presentations and discipline- and industry-specific sessions offering researchers and industry leaders the opportunity to present their experiences with applications. tools, user environments, and administration of large-scale clusters. Presentations from industry are specifically being invited from the petroleum and geophysics, bioinformatics, aerospace and automotive, and finance sectors.

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