From the secret double bonus department

A somewhat un-publicized feature of Cluster Monkey are the PDF documents that registered users can download. These documents include white papers on Limulus Personal computing, a brief book called HPC for Dummies and the PowerPoint slides describing the 3D printing at SC19. To download any of the files you need to register with your email address. When logged in, a Downloads item will appear in the blue Main Menu area on the top left of the page. There you will find the materials.

We ask for your email because we are working on starting two low frequency newsletters covering HPC and Hadoop/Spark. We explain how we treat your information in our Privacy Policy. Also, as a registered user you can leave comments on articles. Cluster Monkey is a community based web-site.

One of our newest documents is a white paper comparing an on-prem Limulus personal appliance to Amazon Cloud instances. The economics are quite interesting. You can also find the slides from our 3D printing demonstration at SC19 and a 2018 white paper on building a Modern Scalable Analytics Classroom--on-prem/no data center needed.

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