From the bad-play-on-words department
For those using Python to calculate asymptotes and other science and mathematical things, Intel ® has added its speedy MKL (Math Kernel Library) to the mix. Called Intel ® Distribution for Python* 2017 Beta, The beta release gives Python a big boost by using MKL and other libraries. From the web page "The Beta product adds new Python packages like scikit-learn, mpi4py, numba, conda, tbb (Python interfaces to Intel Threading Building Blocks) and pyDAAL (Python interfaces to Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library). The Beta also delivers performance improvements for NumPy/SciPy through linking with performance libraries like Intel MKL, Intel Message Passing Interface (Intel MPI), Intel TBB and Intel DAAL."
Beta users can look forward to the following features.
- Includes NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn, numba, Cython, pyDAAL
- Performance accelerations via Intel® MKL, Intel MPI, Intel® TBB, Intel® DAAL
- Easy, out-of-the-box access to performance
- Free to download
- Supports Python versions 2.7 and 3.5
- Available on Windows*, Linux, and Mac OS
An Intel blog provide more information. There is also a Python profiling tool (beta) available.