Let's give a warm welcome to HPC Community. You may have noticed the web feeds from HPC Community on the right side of the main page. The simians here at ClusterMonkey are working with HPC Community to help build a bigger/stronger community and nothing builds community like free software! HPC Community is the home to a pile of cool software projects. The two most notable are Kusu and Lava. Of course, they have to be good because in addition to open code they have cool names and logos.
Kusu is the foundation for Platform Cluster Manager (previously known
as Platform Open Cluster Stack OCS 5), is a standardized approach to easily build, manage and use Linux clusters and is a freely available cluster distribution!
Platform Lava is an open source entry-level workload scheduler designed to meet a wide range of workload scheduling needs for clusters up to 512-nodes.
Check out both projects and more at the HPC community site. And if you are wondering what the name Kusu and the little turtle are about, just ask Why the Turtle?