
Opinions are like clusters, everybody should have one. Well we have clusters and opinions in this category. We also welcome your feedback. Registered users can comment on articles including opinions.

Linux on HPC clusters seems to be an obvious choice. It was not, however, a forgone conclusion that Linux would end up leading the supercomputing parade when Tom Sterling and Don Becker used it to build the first Beowulf cluster. Inquiring minds want to know "Why Linux on Clusters?"

Just like there are "Urban Legends" that never seem to die, so it seems there are "Cluster Urban Legends" that persist even today. We have all seen or heard them. Wacky things people say about HPC clusters. As a service to the HPC (High Performance Computing) community, and to the world at large I have decided to prepare a list of my personal favorites. Hopefully, these legends (misconceptions) will eventually fade, but then again, this is the Internet age.

Enough introduction. Here comes the clue train.


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