[HPC-Writers] Stories needed

Douglas Eadline deadline at linux-mag.com
Sun Sep 21 13:18:25 EDT 2008

I have two stories needed for the Linux Magazine website.
Please see the previous email for story submission.

The Ct Language
Intel has developed a new programming language for parallel computing
called Ct. The Article should cover what is new/different about the
language and what problem/markets it hopes to address. Include
some code examples and where to get the tools etc.

The State of MPI
What is the current status of MPI software. The article should
focus on the Open versions (OMPI and MPICH2) and some of the
more popular commercial versions (Intel, Scali).
Include the latest version and features etc. Also address the
fact that LAM and mpich1 are in maintenance mode and use
is discouraged. Also, it might be important to illustrate
that applications should link and run between different MPIs.


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