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Cluster Documentation Project™
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Computational Clusters have grown from a back room curiosity to a driving force in the HPC community. The roll your own nature of cluster computing has also created a wide community of users, vendors, and applications. The Cluster Documentation Project (CDP) is an effort to help document best practices, tutorials, projects, benchmarks, products, and anything else that helps facilitate HPC cluster computing.
We plan on releasing our first book at in the near future -- Essential HPC: Practical high performance concepts, techniques, and procedures

Project Scope
The word cluster has many meanings. The Cluster Documentation Project is designed to document and professionally publish High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster information. The focus will be on tutorial and how-to information rather than theoretical aspects of HPC. Currently there are Cluster Topics which is a compendium of current benchmarks, products, technologies, methods, best practices, etc. that will help those interested in clustering. When funded the project will enhance this resource.
See a recent article in HPC Admin magazine for more background.
Beowulf Cluster History Project
Writers and Contributors
Contributions are accepted from the community -- both users and vendors. All content is subject to approval by the editors and critical content will be created with paid experienced writers. If you are interested in contributing please join the HPC Writers list. All submitted content will be made available under a Creative Commons License.
If you have specific questions about clusters please visit our Cluster Questions section and enter your question.
If you have questions about this site, please contact Douglas Eadline with any questions.
ClusterWorld magazine was the initial sponsor of a site called The Cluster Agenda. When ClusterWorld Magazine ceased publication the Agenda effort was stopped. Douglas Eadline, editor of ClusterWorld magazine, was the principle organizer of the Agenda effort and has decided with the help of Jeff Layton to preserve some of the content from the Agenda and morph the site into Cluster Tweaks. The original Agenda Working Committee was Jeff Layton, Glen Otero, Dan Stanzione, and Douglas Eadline.