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Mark your calendar. On October 13-14, a workshop entitled 20 Years of Beowulf will be held in Annapolis. MD. The workshop will mark the 20th anniversary of the introduction of commodity (AKA Beowulf) clusters, an architectural approach to creating parallel computers using mostly or entirely commodity components and open source system software. The initial target of the Beowulf cluster project was inexpensive, small to moderate parallel computing platforms; the Beowulf approach was extremely successful and adopted worldwide by teams ranging from high-school students to senior scientists. The Beowulf approach is now the basis of most of the world’s most powerful computers as well.

The workshop will also celebrate the 65th birthday of Thomas Sterling, who has made major contributions over his career (so far), including playing a key role in conceiving and implementing commodity cluster computing (aka Beowulf), HPC architecture, run time systems, and exascale systems.

More details at InsideHPC.